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Dietmar Scherf's
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Avoiding & Overcoming Depression
Dietmar Scherf
ISBN 1-887603-03-4
212 pages
List Price: US$22
A very helpful book for
healing the soul!
>More Info |
Available at:
Barnes & Noble
A Novel by Alec
ISBN 1-887603-04-2
396 pages
High-Quality Paperback
List Price: US$14
Controversial! Explosive! Deadly!
Read this shocking suspense thriller! The real danger is
imminent! You'll never feel safe again!
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Available at:
Barnes & Noble
I LOVE ME: Avoiding&
Overcoming Depression is available at many Internet bookstores
This book in the News:

Avoiding & Overcoming Depression is a practical guide for
avoiding and overcoming depression; developing proper self-esteem,
obtaining a victorious life with joy, substance and purpose. This book
offers a unique blend of a psychological and spiritual approach. It's
easy to read and its principles are practical for immediate application.
This book is an absolute MUST-READ and it really works as it is helpful,
encouraging, inspiring, and it brings healing to the soul.
great blessing."
--Dr. Robert Schuller,
Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove CA
"A book
that will be very helpful. Many people can be blessed by it."
--Pastor John Osteen, Lakewood Church, Houston, TX
great book."
--Dr. Daniel Lewis, Maryland Bible College & Seminary, Baltimore, MD
"A much
needed book for our time."
--Leading Edge Review
Creative. Congratulations!"
--Dr. Carl H. Stevens, Greater Grace World Outreach, Baltimore, MD
a permanent cure from one who's been there."
--The Book Reader
Read the
book that many movie stars, CEOs, celebrities, and thousands of folks
have read--a book that has changed their lives forever!
for 10 Tips on Avoiding & Overcoming Depression
by Dietmar Scherf |

Avoiding & Overcoming Depression is easy to read, easy to
understand and most importantly: its principles are easy to apply. It
deals directly with the whole spectrum of our lives. Page after page,
the reader discovers treasures of valuable information, insight and
guidance to bring inner healing, deliverance and protection to the soul.
Every person is in danger of experiencing the subtle onslaught of
depressive moods and downbeat cycles. Millions have associated
depression with the failure of living a victorious life; millions more
have simply accepted their depressions as normal occurrences. Depression
destroys relationships and the soul. It doesn't have to be that way!
Learn how you
can avoid the vicious cycle of depression. Experience deliverance and
freedom from depression. Find out how your self-worth can be restored
and watch your self-esteem soar based on true substance. Relationships
can be healed. This book will have a very positive impact upon your
The author,
Dietmar Scherf, has been studying human behavior since 1976. As
marketing psychologist and in his function as a corporate consultant, he
has severed thousands of people throughout the United States and Europe.
For over a decade he himself has suffered from depression and became a
manic depressive. He was on the verge of suicide more than once. In the
early '80s, he found absolute healing from depression and has been
enjoying a victorious life with true joy, happiness, substance and
purpose for many years now. I LOVE ME: Avoiding & Overcoming
Depression really works--give it a'll be a blessing!
This book is
like no other. It deals with chapters and subcategories such as:
- Identity
- Self-Analysis
- Depression
Must be Defined
- Cause and
Effect of Depression
- Life-Changing
- Trying to
Change the Unchangeable
- Positive
Thinking and Objective Truth
- Accepting
Your Imperfections
- Making
Time for Yourself
- True
- Love, Sex
and Marriage
- Loving
- Healing
of the Soul
- Never
Alone Again
- Conquer
the Impossible
- Absolute
Deliverance, Freedom and Victory
- A Perfect
- The
Supernatural Reality
- Purpose
and Genuine Happiness
- Ultimate
...and much more!
Billions of
dollars are wasted on medication, year after year, and the root problem
is never healed. It doesn't make sense to treat the symptoms, but
instead, the root problem must be dealt with. Dietmar Scherf's book I
LOVE ME: Avoiding & Overcoming Depression deals with the
depression dilemma head on, so that every depression victim can receive
effective help immediately.
Even if you're
currently not suffering from depression, I LOVE ME: Avoiding &
Overcoming Depression will be a very important read--just in case.
It will help you understand how to deal and live with depression victims
successfully. Depression victims are all around us. Depression is
infectious and therefore it could victimize you sooner or later, too.
The cost of the book is only
and a very smart investment in your health and psychological comfort. A
session with a psychologist could cost you hundreds of dollars--prevent
this from happening by ordering this book right now.
It's certainly
not just another self-help book that leaves you stranded to your own
efforts, but instead, it shows you step-by-step how easy it is to avoid
and to overcome depression. Experience the freedom from the bondage and
slavery of depression--it can be a very different life; in fact, it can
be a truly wonderful life. Once you read this book you'll never be the
same and things will change dramatically for the better. It will have a
very positive impact upon your life. Also, your loved ones and people
around you will benefit from it. This book makes for a great gift, too.
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